Monday, April 14, 2008
The Simple Man
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I took this picture of my friend using an orbital light when we were at Electro Techno Disco Love this year in San Francisco. I really like this picture because I captured light at its finest. Who knew that lights could be art? I have always been intrigued by lights. This night was one of the best nights of my life, which is also another reason why this picture means alot to me. It reminds me of friendship and togetherness along with the art of lights.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Self-Portrait, Chuck Close

I really like this painting of Chuck Close.
Althoug it's painted, he painted it just like a photograph by doing things
like fading the hair and ears, making it seem like it's out of focus.
His portrayal of his devotion to art I think is shown in this
picture. His grungy-ness shows that he has no time for himself,
He devotes himself entirely to his art.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Paint Me Blue

I usually miss sunsets and sunrises -- especially sunrises. I can never stay awake all through the night and I most definitely can never wake up early enough. But this photograph, I caught the sunset at just the right moment. This photograph was taken on top of Berkeley at some science lab place (I don't remember the name). I was stressing from school so my friend dragged me away from the library and drove me up the mountains just in time for the sunset. This photograph was taken with my beautiful Canon Rebel. I then altered the photo in various ways. I ended up with five different versions because I couldn't decide which one I liked more. It was nice to just escape for a short while to see the sunset.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Val's Post :)
One of my secret obsessions is being a blog stalker. I frequent sooo many blogs that I can't even keep track of them all >< . Yes, I know, I know, I am a creep. So for this week's post I'd like to share one of my favorite blogs. This site (otherjoseph) is by a superdy duper ridiculously talented 19 year old photographer studying in the University of the Philippines named Joseph Pascual. He's based in the Philippines and went to the all boys school right across from MY all girls school back in Manila. Oh such a small world... six degrees of freedom anyone??? I basically think he's AMAZING and GENIUS for being so young, talented and different in a country that doesn't really promote such deviations.
I am currently bugging my cousin, who he's friends with, to introduce me to my secret crush once I get the chance to visit Manila again.
p.s. Check out crazy cool pictures of Manila and Boracay for those interested in seeing the Philippines from a different lens. Great great shots of his campus can be found too.
Monday, February 25, 2008
this is squidworth
this is erwin bamba
This is a paper mache mask I made in the eleventh grade in Mr. Enemark's 3-d Design Class that combined the faces of Erwin Bamba and Squidworth to create who I call "Erword". It is made of newspaper, cardboard, and acrylic paint. I like it a lot because it reminds me of times when it didn't seem so necessary to take things seriously.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Forum Art Post - Aizel
This was a day that I made new friends. We all went to the AMC to watch AVP:R (Alien Vs. Predator Requiem) and when we walked outside, we saw a stain on the cement and decided to stand around it, discussing what objects it resembled. We decided it looked like a Diglett, so I drew on it with a Sharpie... even though it's probably illegal haha. Anyway, I think that this is beautiful because it is a reminder of the beginnings of these friendships... and we all had a good time. :]
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