Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Let the house burn down
Let the phone ring on
Welcome in the floods
Let them wash over this sleepy town

Too many years of trying
Too many nights of crying
Where are we heading now?
The generation that fell

I wish I were down the rabbit hole
Getting lost in the deep unknown
By the oak tree I’d meet the mad hatter
Get my package, tied but tattered
A game of chess and the white knight
Queen of hearts and a full deck
The purple cat wants a fight
I surprise him with a check

I’m growing tired from defeat
Feeling sick from the deceit
What should I do to pass the time?
Put on my mask and say I’m fine?

I like to close my eyes real tight
Then see the spots when I look up at the light
Is this what it’s like to have nothing left?
Better watch out cause you could be the next

Can’t you see it on the people’s faces?
That empty look that leaves hard traces
I wonder what they’d look like
If they weren’t all alike

I wish I were at the North Pole
Playing in the wet, white snow
I’d meet the fat man by the lone lantern
Getting my present is all that matters
I’d shoot up to the sky
Wouldn’t even say goodbye
Circle the globe once or twice
Come back for a heavy price

Leave the bed unmade
Leave before it’s too late
Take a snapshot of how it used to be
Let it collect dust as a distant memory

Throw the lighter in the waste
Watch as it’s all set ablaze

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