Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Movement Showcase 11/13

A couple of weeks ago I attended the Movement showcase on lower Sproul. As always, I felt inspired to join a hip hop dance group cause I very much enjoy watching the different pieces perform. There were 3 hip hop routines as well as 2 (or 3) lyrical jazz routines and one swing routine. I found the first hip hop routine to be not as enjoyable for me as the other two. In general I watch these dance showcases for the hip hop dances, and not as much for the lyrical pieces, but I found one of the pieces in particular to be good since it was choreographed to one of my favorite Janet Jackson songs: "All for You". Anyhow, the swing dance was energetic and filled with many tricks and lifts, but I concluded that I probably would not want to try swing since the female partner runs the risk of being dropped on her head many times. Overall, it was an inspiring showcase, and I still have the desire to one day perform or learn hip hop.

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