A topic that really resonated with me in regards to this class was the hiphop/graff workshop. I've been doing graff since I was in middle school but I never really did anything with it..it was tags here and there and on napkins at restaurants and what not but not until this class did i really work on something worthwhile.
Pilipino American Alliance is an organization that I am involved with on campus so I chose something that really means something to me because I do identify as Pilipina American.
I chose the colors red, blue and gold because they are the colors of the Pilipino flag and I chose to use broken blocks to symbolize the "broken-ness" of the Pilipino identity due to the many countries that colonized the Philippines and the colorism that has unfortunately divided my community. I also used the Pilipino golden sun as it also appears on the Pilipino flag to symbolize the "golden intentions" that the organization has to addresss the issues that Pilipino American students face on this campus. One of the goals of the organization is to enlighten and educate the community on these issues and I felt that the Pilipino golden sun was only appropriate.
This design is actually a draft of a proposal that I will be introducing to PAA (hopefully soon!) to possibly use as the signboard that the organization displays while tabling out on Sproul Plaza.
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