Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Field Trip Reflection - Sheena

I went to the MOMA in San Francisco a couple months ago with my Mom and brother. The fifth floor was dedicated to displays by Olafur Eliasson, an installation artist from Iceland. When you stepped out of the elevators you entered into a room that had monochromatic lights that had a yellowish color, so you only saw black and white in the room. It was a really weird feeling and at first I was really thrown off. There were a couple of reflective pieces with mirrors that made it look like you were seeing reflections of yourself for a long distance both up and down. There was also a piece that was pretty interesting and interactive. You would step on a piece of wood and on a screen you would see ripples coinciding with the amount of weight that you put on the wood. I would really recommend going to see this exhibit. It will be up until the end of February, it's definitely worth it.
Because I couldn't make it to any of the Maganda events, I went to the last poerty slam of the year last Monday at the Naia Lounge. I am not really into poetry, but this CalSlam was pretty cool. Everyone that went up had a different style of work and different topics. I like the story telling method of a lot of the poems. It made me more interested in poetry. Although I could not stay for long I enjoyed what I saw. The judges were also very nice to all of the poets which I thought was cool. I can't really remember names but the poem about politics was cool.

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