Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Microscale, Macroscale, and Beyond

I went over to BAM to check out the new exhibit by Tomas Saraceno. His pieces incorporate science and technology into art. Each piece was quite unique. They ranged from giant clear-plastic blow-up balls tied together with black nylon, to video cameras that you put your eye up to and it projects it onto the wall. The plastic ball pieces I could definitely relate to nature, as they reminded me of masses of foamy bubbles you sometimes find in the summer nestled in bushes. These bubbles are created by insects for protection or something... I don't exactly remember. Another piece that was interactive had you pull a string and blow a soap bubble from two other pieces of string. The bubbles would land on the carpet and stay there for a few seconds. I thought the juxtaposition of materials used was quite unique; there was a lot of plastic involved, and yet he made certain parts of the piece look very organic, by using a rock or fake plants. Overall, I thought Saraceno's exhibit was captivating and engaging, both subjectively and objectively. He achieved this through interactive pieces that combine the worlds of science, nature, and art.

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